Your Reading Australia Fellowship Application

All applicants must provide a clear outline of their intended project.

Your application must include a:

  • project description
  • budget

Applications will be assessed by a panel of independent peers.

Support material

You must submit the following support material with your application as a PDF via the online system:

  • A one-page CV outlining your experience as a teacher of English and literacy or teacher librarian.
  • A one-page letter of support from your employer.
  • Your proposed itinerary including budget information (up to five pages).
  • If your project refers to, or involves First Nations individuals, communities or subject matter, you must submit a letter of support from the relevant individuals and communities.

Research report

The successful Fellow will be expected to write a report of between 5,000 and 10,000 words and to present their research findings at teachers’ conferences, and to their colleagues and peers.



Successful applicants must submit an acquittal report on their funded activities within eight weeks of the project’s completion via the SmartyGrants online system. This report should include a description of the funded activities and detail the success or otherwise of the activities.

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