June 27, 2022

Hearts, Minds, Stories: Landscapes of Learning

Having been impacted by COVID-19 for the last two years, Reading Australia is looking forward to attending this year’s joint Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA) National Conference in Darwin (7–10 July). Come and visit the Reading Australia Booth (#17) in the exhibition hall to find out […]

May 5, 2022

New longform writing initiative announced

Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas (JNI) and Penguin Random House (PRH) to provide practical experience and mentoring to the next generation of Australian longform writers, culminating in the opportunity to publish a piece in a Penguin Random House anthology. The […]

May 5, 2022

Brisbane and Sydney Writers’ Festivals

Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF) celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2022! If you missed the in-person festival, which finished on 8 May, you can engage with their online series. Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund is again supporting the online Author/Editor Series and a new Author-Illustrator Series (together with Booktopia). The successful ten-part Author/Editor series is a partnership […]

May 5, 2022

Macquarie University Survey of Australian authors

Copyright Agency is partnering with Macquarie University and the Australia Council for the Arts on a new national survey of Australian authors. The findings will be released later this year. All published Australian authors are eligible to fill out the survey and we invite you to have your say. Copyright Agency CEO Josephine Johnston, says […]

Khaled Sabsabi, '1008' (detail), 2020. 56 pieces, enamel, acrylic paint on paper and foam board, 360 x 420 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Milani gallery, Brisbane. Photographer Carl Warner.

March 24, 2022

What’s coming up on our Cultural Fund Calendar

The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund will support visual artists and galleries in the following exhibitions across Australia. The 2022 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Free/State opened on 5 March, with an outstanding selection of artists challenging histories and art forms. Curator Sebastian Goldspink has compiled a Spotify playlist with an eclectic mix of songs (chosen […]

March 21, 2022

Celebrate Poetry

World Poetry Day, which falls on 21 March, celebrates the humble poem – whether read, written or spoken – as a unique and powerful mode of expression. Poetry has the power to capture and transform audiences in many different ways through the imaginative use of words and language, phonetics, punctuation, design and more. This World […]

September 16, 2021

Plant Notes: A Guildhouse Collections Project

South Australian artists Louise Flaherty and Laura Wills recently launched Plant Notes, an exhibition investigating the personal and environmental effects of losing vulnerable native flora through their research as part of The Guildhouse Collections Project, at the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre and Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Bri Lee & Anwen Crawford

September 7, 2021

How two former UTS Writers in Residence released their new books within months of each other.

Authors Bri Lee (Eggshell Skull, Beauty) and Anwen Crawford (Live Through This) were both holders of the New Writer Fellowship, in 2020 and 2018 respectively.