August 29, 2016

Copyright Agency responds to comments on copyright in The Age

This is a response to Peter Martin’s comment piece in The Sunday Age on 28 August. Not only has Peter Martin made basic factual errors in his article on copyright but by invoking book burning in Nazi Germany Mr Martin profoundly offends millions of people and shows he has lost perspective in his coverage of […]

Kim Williams

August 26, 2016

Keeping the focus on ‘Brilliant Careers’

Melbourne Writers’ Festival 2016 Opening Night Speech by Kim Williams on the Miles Franklin Award What does it take to produce a superb work of literature? Talent, intelligence and the perseverance of an explorer, perhaps even a fictitious one such as Johann Ulrich Voss. A writer needs patience, time and a quiet place to encounter an […]

August 26, 2016

A. S. Patrić wins the 2016 Miles Franklin Award

Author A. S. Patrić has won the prestigious 2016 Miles Franklin Literary Award for his debut novel, Black Rock White City. The award, announced at the opening night of the Melbourne Writers Festival tonight, has delivered Mr Patrić $60,000 in prize money from the Miles Franklin Trust, managed by Perpetual. As one of the five […]

August 18, 2016

Artists Subvert and Challenge in John Fries Award 2016

Two Victorian artists have dominated this year’s Copyright Agency | Viscopy John Fries Award for emerging artists announced tonight by the prize’s benefactor Vivienne Fries in Sydney. The $10,000 award winner is Eric Demetriou, while Jessie Bullivant was Highly Commended for her work. Demetriou’s installation piece, An Afternoon with Herb Jercher, is a work combining […]

August 17, 2016

Safeguarding Australian Creativity – What’s Really at Stake over Copyright Reform

The following is the speech by Kim Williams as delivered at the Melbourne Press Club on Thursday, 17 August 2016. “We are gathered today on the ancestral lands of the Kulin nation and I would like to acknowledge them as the traditional owners. I pay my respects to Elders past and present and to the […]

August 17, 2016

Kim Williams calls for rejection of PC report

Chair of the Copyright Agency, Kim Williams AM, has warned that the next generation of Jimmy Barneses, Magda Szubanksis and George Millers will be in short supply should the recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s draft report into Intellectual Property come to pass. Mr Williams said that unless the Commission retreated from its extreme recommendations, policy […]

August 5, 2016

More than $4m in royalties generated from resale scheme

Six years after it began, Australia’s resale royalty scheme has generated more than $4 million for artists, with more than half of those artists living and working in remote and regional Australia. More than 12,800 eligible artworks have been resold, well above predicted expectations for the scheme, returning a 5 per cent royalty to 1200 […]

The Create Career Fund supports individual mid-to-late career artists and authors by providing grants to support time to write and create. Applicants are able to apply for grants of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000.

August 3, 2016

Opportunities for creators throughout their careers

The Copyright Agency’s Career Fund changed this year, with the development of two strands of funding, the Ignite and Create Career Funds The Ignite fund is for emerging creators and the Create fund is for established creators. The Create Career Fund received 132 applications in its inaugural June round. All three judges were impressed with […]