March 24, 2017

Marrakesh Treaty Forum Communiqué

Representatives of the publishing industry, authors, libraries, copyright, disability associations, government and accessible format providers joined together on 8 November for a far-reaching exchange of information and ideas to progress the Marrakesh Treaty’s implementation in Australia. The aim of the Forum was to identify the key challenges in making published material accessible to the print […]


March 23, 2017

Simplification of Copyright Act a Win for Local Creators and Users of Australian Content

Copyright Agency welcomes the Government’s amendments to the Copyright Act which will make it even simpler for students to access a huge range of content, allow libraries to exhibit more material to the Australian public and enable people with disabilities to access copyright material more easily. “These changes remove unnecessary red-tape and are a sensible […]

March 23, 2017

Copyright Amendment Bill Joint Statement

Copyright Amendment (Disability Access and Other Measures) Bill Screenrights, Copyright Agency and Universities Australia welcome the introduction of amendments to streamline and update the statutory licence in the Copyright Act for copying and sharing of content for education. The organisations worked together, with representatives from the schools sector, to develop a joint proposal to government. […]

March 16, 2017

Strengthen, don’t weaken: Deny big tech its copyright coup

Seamus McGuinness, the Managing Director of Australian educational publisher, R.I.C. Publications, writes about how weakening copyright rules will give big tech companies a free ride on Australian creative content. Download and read the licensed copy from today’s Australian Financial Review newspaper.  

Copyright Agency Cultural Fund Announcement

March 14, 2017

Nicola Evans appointed as new head of the Cultural Fund and Reading Australia

The Chief Executive of the Copyright Agency, Adam Suckling, has announced Nicola Evans as the new head of the agency’s philanthropic area, the Cultural Fund and the teacher resource Reading Australia. The Cultural Fund is highly regarded within the Australian cultural landscape, having provided millions of dollars in funding to arts and literary organisations since […]

March 8, 2017

Synapse: Where Art and Science Meet

Combining the ying and yang of scientific practice and artistic practice might seem an unusual thing to do, but a Copyright Agency Cultural Fund-supported project, called Synapse, is doing just that, with surprising results. Synapse was established by the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) in 2004. It has enabled collaborations between more than […]

March 3, 2017

Licensing experts here to help

If you are a Viscopy member and you receive a request to reproduce your work, our licensing team is here to help. Refer your requests to Viscopy and our experienced team will handle everything for you. We’ll ensure that your artwork is reproduced to a high standard, attributed correctly, protected by a licence agreement and […]

March 3, 2017

Accurate reporting vital for resale royalties

The Resale Royalty Right entitles visual artists to a 5 per cent royalty when an eligible work resells in Australia for $1,000 or more. One of the eligibility criteria for a resale royalty is that the person selling the artwork acquired it it on or after after the scheme commenced on June 9, 2010. To […]