Data for distribution

We use different data for different distributions, depending on the data available to us.

Categories of data for distribution

We broadly categorise data for distribution as:

  1. transactional licence data (information about a licence for a single work)
  2. full records (information about each use under a ‘blanket’ total repertoire licence)
  3. survey data (information about usage by samples of licensees)
  4. indicative data (information from other sources about content available to a licensee class)

You can see which data we have used for each distribution from the information sheets available here.

Sources of indicative data

Sources currently used include:

  • supply of digital press clippings
  • library holdings provided by the TAFE sector
  • library holdings and lendings collated and provided by the National Library
  • sales data from Nielsen BookScan
  • information from rightsholders about their published works, available for copying by licensees.

Distributions for ‘works available under licence’

In some distributions, we make allocations to rightsholders for ‘works available under licence’ rather than for specified titles or works. These include the Annual Artists Distribution (more information here) and the Annual Writers Distribution (more information here).

May 2024

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