Annual Business Licence extension to staff use of AI tools

Starting from February 2025, Copyright Agency will extend its Annual Business Licence to cover staff of licensed businesses who:

  • include third party material in prompts for AI tools
  • copy and share outputs from AI tools with colleagues

Key points about the licence extension

  • it does not apply to training
  • it allows the use of third party content as part of a prompt for an AI tool that is used by staff of businesses (e.g. to summarise an article)
  • it does not allow capture of the content outside the business (e.g. by an externally provided AI tool)
  • we will work closely with licensees on ensuring that their policies, guidelines and practices align with compliance with the licence (e.g. settings for AI tools)

Examples of how the licence extension will apply

Share with colleagues an output from an AI tool that includes some third party content

Staff of licensed businesses can currently: End-user extension would allow staff of licensed businesses to use an AI tool to:
Write a summary of a journal article for a report to senior management Include a journal article in a prompt for an AI tool to produce a summary, and include the summary in a report to senior management
Write a report based on newspaper articles for a team meeting Include newspaper articles in a prompt for an AI tool to produce a report, and share the report with colleagues for a team meeting
Create a graph from information in a book for a Board report Include an excerpt from a book in a prompt for an AI tool to produce a graph from information in the excerpt, and include the graph in a Board report
Create a powerpoint slidedeck from a number of documents for an online meeting with colleagues Include documents in a prompt for an AI tool  to produce a powerpoint slidedeck, and show the presentation online to colleagues
Share with colleagues a document created by a staff member that includes some third party content Share with colleagues an output from an AI tool that includes some third party content

Licence conditions

The conditions will include:

The licence will not allow

  • works to be used in training (e.g. large language models)
  • compiling datasets, from inputs or outputs, for use in training, fine-tuning, augmenting or validating AI tools
  • text and data mining
  • creating products that are sold

Webinar on Annual Business Licence extension

You can see the recording of our webinar on the Annual Business Licence extension here.

Questions about the Annual Business Licence extension?

If you have questions that have not been answered in our Q&As, you can let us know here.

Need more information?

December 2024

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