Reading Australia Fellowship

Opens Closes Notified
Reading Australia Fellowship 12pm 28 February 2025 1pm AEST Mon 5 May 2025 Early July 2025

Reading Australia Fellowship

The Copyright Agency’s Reading Australia Fellowship will support an experienced teacher of English and literacy or teacher librarian to undertake professional skills development and career-enhancing opportunities.

The Fellowship will support the successful candidate to undertake project research in a designated area that will enhance their skills and abilities in the teaching of Australian Literature, English and literacy to Australian students. Research projects may be undertaken in Australia or overseas but ultimately Australian teachers, teacher librarians and students should benefit from the research findings.

At the end of the project, the Fellow must write a report of up to 5,000 words and present their research findings at teachers’ conferences, and to their colleagues and peers. From 2025, Fellows will also be able to reserve up to $1,000 from their grant money to put towards relief as they finalise their report or present at conferences.

Previous Fellowship recipients have undertaken research into various topics, including developing a respectful, culturally appropriate, and responsive approach to how First Nations literature is taught in schools, AI and the Australian voice in texts; and Aliteracy and Australian Literature.

The Fellowship is not intended to support projects involving the teaching of English as a second language or for academic and scholarly purposes.

This Fellowship complements Reading Australia, a Copyright Agency initiative to encourage the teaching of Australian literature in schools by creating and publishing freely-available resources for teachers, by teachers. Reading Australia has over 300 resources to books by Australian writers mapped to the curriculum priorities for teachers to use in schools.


  • $15,000
  • One Fellowship will be awarded each year
  • Projects should start after 1 August 2025


This Fellowship is open to teachers of English and Literacy and teacher librarians.

To be eligible to apply for this grant, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Applicants must have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience in Australian schools or libraries
  • Applicants must be employed in a primary or secondary school at the time of application
  • Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents
  • Any overdue Cultural Fund grants must be acquitted


  • Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time via the SmartyGrants online system
  • Applicants may submit only one application per round
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered



    • Applications are assessed by an independent panel of peers from the teaching community


  • Successful applicants must submit an acquittal report on their funded activities within eight weeks of the completion of the project via the SmartyGrants online system


More information and contact

For further information, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Please contact us before the application closing date if you’re unsure about your eligibility to apply for a Fellowship. Our email is

Previous Reading Australia Fellowship recipients

The Copyright Agency has awarded five Reading Australia Fellowships to date.

Hear from past Reading Australia Fellows  


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