Dr Danielle Clode

Danielle Clode has made a career as a freelance writer for 30 years.

She has a BA in psychology and politics from Adelaide University and a doctorate in zoology from Oxford University and began her writing career as a science writer, technical editor and research consultant before focussing on trade-published environmental and historical nonfiction for adults and children.

She is the author of twelve books and her work has won a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award, Federation of Australian Writers award for excellence, Whitley Awards and been short and long-listed for the Children’s Book Council of Australia and National Biography awards. She has held several scholarships and fellowships, including the Rhodes, Thomas Ramsay and Redmond Barry fellowships, serves on various state and national literature judging panels as well as being a board member of the Australian Society for Authors and Authors Legal.

As both a children’s writer and Associate Professor in creative writing at Flinders University, Danielle has a broad understanding of publishing across the primary to tertiary education sector, while her research consulting work has provided insights into the health and environment sectors across both government and non-governmental agencies. In addition to diverse academic publications she is also the author and editor of many reports impacting policy reform in aged care, drug use, medical education, environment, conservation and bushfire safety.

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