I have been an author member of the Copyright Agency since 2010 and an author director since 2022. I am re-nominating for the Board as there are urgent issues facing authors, illustrators and publishers, such as the impact of Artificial Intelligence on copyright, that I am keen to continue working on as a board member. I bring to the board experience from three fields that are important to the work of the Copyright Agency – journalism, writing and academia. I have worked on staff as a journalist for The Age, The Australian and Time Australia magazine, among other publications. I have written several books, including a biography of Australian author Paul Jennings, a textbook about journalism, now in its second edition, and an academic book, Telling True Stories. I have also edited three books about journalism and the media and, most recently, co-authored with Patrick Mullins “Who Needs the ABC? Why taking it for granted is no longer an option”. I have worked in three Australian universities, running journalism programs and, last year, acted as head of the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University, where I am a professor of communication. I am a longtime member of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, and have been MEAA’s representative on the Australian Press Council from 2016 until earlier this year.