Alex Seton (b1977) is an Australian artist well known for his sculptures and large installations. Best known for his marble carvings, Seton’s socially engaged practice has examined notions of nationhood, legacy and privacy or the problematic and complex relationship between the individual and society. Seton has exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally, including significant solo exhibitions.

Alex has been an active member in the Australian visual arts community. In 2020, he successfully advocated and fundraiser for the reinstatement of the Artist Benevolent Fun at the National Association of the Visual Arts after the 2019/20 bushfires that became even more needed during the Covid global pandemic. Alex has long been a staunch advocate for artist wages and rights within the visual arts sector. He is associated with a number of institutions and has helped fundraise for multiple legacy projects including Newcastle Art Gallery and ongoing funding for Firstdraft

Alex was also part of the UNSW Art Advisory Panel (2020), an artist voice on the Australian Art Events Foundation Board of Directors (2016-20) and is currently a member of the Artist’s Reference Group National Gallery of Australia.

Seton has also been awarded numerous residencies and art prizes, notably being the first Australian artist to win the prestigious Sovereign Asian Art Award in 2020 and receiving the Mordant Fellowship to the American Academy in Rome in 2019. He also won the Contemporary Talents Prize at the Fondation François Schneider, Wattwiller, France in 2017.