Date 16 Aug, 2024
Time 12.30pm

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The webinar will cover:
  1. What is AI?
  2. Varieties of AI
  3. Generative AI
  4. Fine Tuning and Retrieval Augmented Generation
  5. Application of generative AI by copyright users in Australia
  6. Q&A

*The webinar will be recorded and available to members after the event. 

About Dr Rob Nicholls:

Dr Nicholls is an experienced policy and regulatory specialist who has delivered strategy and implementation advice in Australia and around the world to governments, national regulators, firms and vendors for over 30 years. He is currently Senior Research Associate at the University of Sydney (part time) and a Professional Fellow at UTS Sydney Law. His initial degree was in electronics and communications engineering, and he has since been awarded a PhD and MA. Before academia, he worked for the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) and in private practice.

Additional resources:

Learn more about copyright and AI in Australia here.
For more AI news, click here.

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