Photo of Copyright Agency offices in Sydney.


We represent writers, artists, publishers and surveying firms in relation to proposed changes to policies or legislation that may affect their copyright income.

We work closely with other organisations representing Australia’s creative industries, such as Australian Society of Authors, National Association for the Visual Arts, Australian Publishers Association, Australian Copyright Council, Screenrights, APRA AMCOS and PPCA.

Current inquiries and reviews

Read our recent submissions

Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society Social Media and Australian Society July 2024
Office for the Arts Stand-alone legislation to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property July 2024
House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training Digital Transformation of Workplaces June 2024
Australian Consumer and Competition Authority (ACCC) Digital Platform Services Inquiry – September 2024 report revisiting general search services May 2024
Inquiry by Select Committee Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Australia May 2024
New South Wales Government Shaping policy for the arts and cultural sector September 2023
Department of Education Universities Accord Interim Report September 2023
Department of Education Better and Fairer Education System August 2023
Department of Industry, Science and Resources Safe and Responsible AI in Australia July 2023
House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training Use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system July 2023
Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communication National Cultural Policy March 2023
Attorney-General’s Department Copyright Enforcement Review Issues Paper March 2023
Office for the Arts National Cultural Policy August 2022
Department of Infrastructure, Communications and the Arts Exposure Draft Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021 February 2022
Productivity Commission Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts and Crafts

Copyright Agency submission

Joint submission with Arts Law Centre of Australia and Indigenous Art Code

February 2022

You can also view our past submissions.

July 2024

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Linton Besser [Photo © Olivia Tran]

Artist Profile

Linton Besser

News media and journalism

In an era where words and pictures are as plentiful as Wi-Fi, it’s important that people who do the hard yakka to write and produce credible and reliable information feel a sense of acknowledgement and recognition of that work. It’s always been the case, but in today’s hyper-connected world, copyright has never been more important.

Photo by Olivia Tran

Read profile