Governance and policies

The Copyright Agency is committed to open and transparent relationships with our stakeholders and to the responsive and efficient delivery of our services to members and licensees.

Our core function is to license users of copyright material to make reproductions and communications of copyright works under appropriate provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, and to distribute money collected fairly and equitably to copyright owners and creators.

We operate under a Constitution and a Code of Conduct covering all aspects of our business operations.

Our Board and senior management team routinely review and improve governance standards. Our Annual General Meetings are open to all members. Go to our Annual General Meetings page to view minutes of previous meetings. Go to our Annual Reports page to view annual reports and annual reviews.


Corporate documents Constitution
Government appointments and guidelines Declaration as collecting society for Part VB statutory licence

Guidelines for declared Collecting Societies 2001

Declaration as collecting society for government statutory licence

Annual reports and reviews Archives
Annual General Meetings Notices and minutes
Code of Conduct for Australian collecting societies About the Code
International codes of conduct IFRRO Code of Conduct;

CISAC Professional Rules

Policies and procedures Distribution policy

Complaints procedure

Dispute resolution procedure

Whistleblowing Disclosure Form

Modern Slavery Statement

Data processing protocols agreed with licensees View protocols
Legislation Copyright Act

Copyright Regulations

Corporations Act

29 August 2023