Why you need an Education Licence

Most material is covered by copyright. If you copy and share text, tables, graphs or images that were created by others, you’ll usually need permission from the copyright owner to do so – even if you use less than 10%.

The Statutory Education Licence provides educators with the flexibility to easily copy and share course materials, while minimising the risk of infringing copyright. Better still, your licence fees are distributed to creators and copyright owners, helping to sustain a strong Australian creative sector.

The Licence allows educators to immediately use text and images from any source in the world, giving you the freedom and flexibility to provide students with much broader and up-to-date content, supplementing any course materials you may currently be purchasing from a third-party supplier.

It can take a lot of time, energy and resources to source and produce course material from scratch. The Licence is a resource for Australian educational institutions to assist in broadening the scope of content that you can provide to your students, including images such as photos, graphs and maps as well as text.

The Licence is also a blanket solution which covers your entire institution. You will gain maximum value from the Licence by ensuring that all staff are aware of the rights they have to distribute new, interesting and current material to their students that they weren’t permitted to do before.

“The Statutory Education Licence is the most simple, straightforward and cost-efficient way to ensure we are compliant with Australian Copyright Law. It also assures us that fair compensation is made to the creators of content used in learning and teaching.”

– Dr Michelle Cavaleri,
Director of Academic Enhancement, Asia Pacific International College 

Read other testimonials from our licensees


How much does it cost?

This depends on the size of your organisation, whether it is for-profit or not-for-profit, and the level of study offered. For small institutions, the annual fee may be less than $180 per year.

Get an online quote

We understand you may have some further questions about what is covered by the Statutory Education Licence, so we’ve explained more about how it works.

Read about how it works

Benefits to your institution


Immediate use of an abundance of worldwide material


No need to find and seek permission from the creator for every piece of material


Annual fees from less than $180 a year



Share knowledge and information with your students and colleagues


No need to monitor what material your staff are copying or communicating

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