Parliamentary inquiry on the influence and impacts of social media on Australian society

May 27, 2024

A Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society has been established inquire into and report on the influence and impacts of social media on Australian society.

Its terms of reference include:

(a) the use of age verification to protect Australian children from social media;

(b) the decision of Meta to abandon deals under the News Media Bargaining Code;

(c) the important role of Australian journalism, news and public interest media in countering mis and disinformation on digital platforms;

(d) the algorithms, recommender systems and corporate decision making of digital platforms in influencing what Australians see, and the impacts of this on mental health;

(e) other issues in relation to harmful or illegal content disseminated over social media, including scams, age-restricted content, child sexual abuse and violent extremist material; and

Copyright Agency will make a submission to the inquiry.

The committee is to present an interim report by 15 August 2024, and a final report by 18 November 2024.