Copyright Agency Board Directors Update

May 16, 2024

Kirsty Murray has stepped down from the Board after serving for four years as a Director. Kirsty was nominated by the Australian Society of Authors and appointed to the Board in 2020. During her time with Copyright Agency Kirsty has shared significant insight into the experiences of our author members and been a strong advocate for Australian stories, authors, and publications. She also provided significant contributions to the business with her experience as a visiting writer in schools’ programs. We extend our thanks and best wishes to Kirsty for her contributions.

Following Kirsty’s departure, Dr Danielle Clode has been nominated by the Australian Society of Authors and appointed as a new Board Director. Danielle is the author of twelve books and has made a career as a freelance writer for 30 years. She began her writing career as a science writer, technical editor, and research consultant before focussing on trade-published environmental and historical nonfiction for adults and children.

Danielle has a broad understanding of publishing across the primary to tertiary education sector, while her research consulting work has provided insights into the health and environment sectors across both government and non-governmental agencies. In addition to diverse academic publications, she is also the author and editor of many reports impacting policy reform in aged care, drug use, medical education, environment, conservation, and bushfire safety.

Find out more about the Copyright Agency Board here.

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