Department of Industry seeking views on AI

June 26, 2023

The Department of Industry is seeking view on Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 26 July 2023.

You can visit the Department’s webpage for the consultation here, download the Department’s Discussion Paper here, and make a submission here.

Copyright Agency will be making a submission. If you would like assistance with making a submission, please contact the Member Services team here.

The Discussion Paper invites people to respond to one or more of 20 questions (set out on pages 34 and 35). These questions do not explicitly refer to copyright issues, but people may raise copyright issues in their responses. The Discussion Paper includes copyright law in the list of current general regulations most relevant to AI. It also refers to the Attorney-General’s Department’s Ministerial Roundtable on Copyright:

The Ministerial Roundtable on Copyright: at its inaugural meeting on 23 February 2023, the Roundtable brought together 30 organisations from a wide range of sectors with an interest in copyright. Chaired by the Attorney-General, participants at this meeting identified the uncertain implications of AI for copyright law – including in relation to text and data mining, database protection, and authorship of AI-created works – as an issue. This issue will be discussed further in another Roundtable to be hosted by the Attorney-General’s Department later in 2023.

And it refers to the AI Working Group of the Intellectual Property Policy Group, which includes the Attorney-General’s Department (on copyright issues).
