2018 Annual General Meeting of the Copyright Agency announced
November 6, 2018
The 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Copyright Agency Limited will be held at the Remington Room, Fifth Floor, SMC Conference and Function Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney, New South Wales on Wednesday, 28 November at 4:30pm.
For your information, the following documents are linked below:
1. Notice of annual general meeting
2. Proxy Form
3. Appointment of Representative form
Please download and print a copy of each form and return it by fax or post to the address provided prior to the meeting.
Minutes of the 2017 meeting are available on our website at the About Us/Governance and Policies section and here.
Directors’ report
An electronic copy of Copyright Agency’s Director’s Report and Financial Report may be viewed, downloaded and/or printed from the Copyright Agency’s website here. If you previously advised us that you wish to receive a printed copy of the report, it has been posted to you. If you have not received a printed copy of the report but wish to, please contact us by email at communications@copyright.com.au. Copies of the Annual Report will be available at the meeting.
Appointment of representative
If your membership is in the name of your company or other organisation, you may want to complete an Appointment of Representative form and return it prior to the meeting by fax or post. If you have provided this form to us previously, you do not need to submit a new form unless there has been any change in the appointed representative.
Notice of annual general meeting
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Proxies*
3. Declaration of nominations and poll for election of publisher director
4. Presentation of Accounts and Reports (Directors and Auditors) for the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018
5. Questions of the Auditor
6. Chair’s address
7. Chief Executive Officer’s report
By order of the Board
Josephine Johnston
Company Secretary
23 October 2018
A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of the member. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. A form of proxy accompanies this notice.
To be effective, a form of proxy must be received:
- at the registered office of the Company at Level 12, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000; or
- by facsimile sent to the Company on +61 2 9394 7601
not less than 48 hours before the person named in that proxy intends to vote in accordance with that proxy, i.e. no later than 4.30pm 26 November 2018.
Corporate Representative
A corporate entity is entitled to appoint a representative to attend and vote on its behalf at the meeting. A form of appointment of a representative accompanies this notice. This document can be provided to the Company in the same manner as a proxy form at any time before or at the meeting.
The Board of Directors is comprised as follows:
a) Ms Adele Ferguson, a director who is an author member, elected by the author members of the Company.
b) Ms Jane Curry, a director who is a publisher member, elected by the publisher members of the Company.
c) Mr Chris Pash and Ms Helen O’Neill, two directors appointed by the Australian Society of Authors Limited (ASA).
d) Ms Lucy Russell and Mr David Barnett, two directors appointed by the Australian Publishers Association Limited (APA).
e) Dr Oliver Watts, a director who is an artist member appointed as the transitional director pursuant to Article 37A.
f) Mr Anthony Bertini and Dr Kate Harrison, two directors appointed by the other directors pursuant to Article 35(a).
g) Mr Kim Williams (Chair) and Mr Jason Eades, two directors appointed by the other directors pursuant to Article 35(b).
The names of directors whose terms as director expire at the 2018 AGM are italicised. There were no other nominations for the directors to be elected by artist members or author members. Accordingly, Dr Oliver Watts and Ms Adele Ferguson will continue in their positions for a further term.
Should you have any questions regarding the Annual General Meeting, please contact us at memberservices@copyright.com.au.