Past distributions

January to June 2024

Source Distribution name/s Payment release date
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Jan24 Wed, 31 Jan 24
Pay-Per-Use: (text) Pay-Per-Use: (text): Domestic (Oct-Dec23) Wed, 28 Feb 24
Pay-Per-Use: (text): International (Oct-Dec23)
Survey Plan Sales Survey Plan Sales: NSW (Jul22-Jun23) Wed, 28 Feb 24
Survey Plan Sales: QLD (Jan22-Jun23)
Survey Plan Sales: SA (Jul22-Jun23)
Survey Plan Sales: VIC (Jul22-Jun23)
Survey Plan Sales: WA (Jul22-Jun23)
Survey Plan Sales: ACT (Jul21-Jun22)
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Feb24 Wed, 28 Feb 24
International Licence Fees International: ALCS (UK) (Jan-Dec23) Wed, 28 Feb 24
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Dec23-Jan24) Wed, 28 Feb 24
Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Dec23-Jan24)
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Feb24) Thur, 28 Mar 24
Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Feb24)
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Mar24 Thur, 28 Mar 24
Private (individually licensed) Education Providers Private Education Providers (up to Mar24) Mon, 29 Apr 24
Governments Governments (up to Mar24) Mon, 29 Apr 24
Commercial: blanket licences for business and associations Commercial licences Domestic: Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers & Websites (up to Mar24) Mon, 29 Apr 24
Commercial licences International: Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers & Websites (up to Mar24)
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) domestic (Mar24) Mon, 29 Apr 24
Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) international (Mar24)
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Apr24 Mon, 29 Apr 24
Pay-Per-Use: (text) Pay-Per-Use: (text): Domestic (Jan-Mar24) Mon, 27 May 24
Pay-Per-Use: (text): International (Jan-Mar24)
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) domestic (Apr24) Mon, 27 May 24
Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) international (Apr24)
Universities Universities (Jan-Jun24) Mon, 27 May 24
Schools Schools (Jan-Dec 2024) Mon, 27 May 24
Media Monitoring Organisations Media Monitoring Organisations (up to Dec23) Mon, 27 May 24
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty May24 Mon, 27 May 24
TAFEs TAFE (Jul22-Dec23) Mon, 24 Jun 24
Annual Artist Distribution Annual Artist Distribution: Education and Governments (up to Mar24) Mon, 24 Jun 24
Annual Artist Distribution: Commercial licences (up to Mar24)
Annual Artist Distribution: International (up to Mar24)
Annual Writers Distribution Annual Writers Distribution: Education and Governments (up to Mar24) Mon, 24 Jun 24
Annual Writers Distribution: Commercial licences (up to Mar24)
Annual Writers Distribution: International (up to Mar24)
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) domestic (May24) Mon, 24 Jun 24
Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) international (May24)
Public Galleries Public Galleries & Museums (up to Mar24) Mon, 24 Jun 24
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Jun24 Mon, 24 Jun 24

July to December 2023

Licence sector Distribution name/s Payments start
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Jun23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Jun23)

Jul 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Jul23 Jul 2023
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Jul23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Jul23)

Aug 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Aug23 Aug 2023
Full-text Databases Full-text Databases: INFORMIT (Jan-Dec22)

Full-text Databases: EBSCO (Jan-Dec22)

Full-text Databases: ProQuest (Jan-Dec22)

Aug 2023
Pay-Per-Use (text) Pay-Per-Use: (text): Domestic (Apr-Jun23)

Pay-Per-Use: (text): International (Apr-Jun23)

Sep 2023
International (licence fees from
copyright management organisations
in other countries for text)
International: artworks (Jul22-Jun23)

International: text (Jul22-Jun23)

Sep 2023
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Aug23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Aug23)

Sep 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Sep23 Sep 2023
Images in TV programs
Screenrights: artworks (Jul22-Jun23) Oct 2023
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Sep23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Sep23)

Oct 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Oct23 Oct 2023
Pay-Per-Use (text) Pay-Per-Use: (text): Domestic (Jul-Sep23)

Pay-Per-Use: (text): International (Jul-Sep23)

Nov 2023
Universities Universities (Jul-Dec23) Nov 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Nov23 Nov 2023
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Oct23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Oct23)

Nov 2023
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty Dec23 Dec 2023
Artwork Licences Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) Domestic (Nov23)

Pay-Per-Use: (artworks) International (Nov23)

Dec 2023



Licence Sector Distribution name/s Distribution amount (est) Payments start
Pay-Per-Use (text) Pay-Per-Use (text): domestic (Oct-Dec 2022) $0.01m Feb-23
Pay-Per-Use (text): international (Oct-Dec 2022)
Artwork Licences Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: domestic (Dec-Jan 2022) $0.27m Feb-23
Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: international (Dec-Jan 2022)
International (licence fees from UK copyright management organisation for text) International: ALCS (UK) (Jan-Dec 2022) $0.23m Feb-23
Survey Plan Sales Survey Plan Sales (up to Jun 2022) $0.8m Feb-23
Artwork Licenses Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: domestic (Feb 2023) $0.10m Mar-23
Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: international (Feb 2023)
Universities: additional licence fees for 2019 to 2022: infosheet Universities: additional licence fees for 2019 to 2022 $49.6m Mar-23
Private (individually licensed) Education Providers: infosheet Private Education Providers: Books, Journals, Magazines and Websites (up to Mar 2023) $3.8m* Apr-23
Private Education Providers: Newspapers (up to Mar 2023) $0.39m* Apr-23
Governments: infosheet Government: Books, Journals, Magazines and Websites (up to May 2023) $4.2m* Jun-23
Governments: Newspapers (up to Mar 2023) $0.15m* Jun-23
Commercial: blanket licences for businesses and associations: infosheet Commercial licences: Books, Journals, Magazines and Websites (up to Mar 2023) $3.4m* Apr-23
Commercial licences: Newspapers (up to Mar 2023) $0.8m* Apr-23
Artwork Licenses Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: domestic (Mar 2023) TBC Apr-23
Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: international (Mar 2023)
Pay-Per-Use (text) Pay-Per-Use (text): domestic (Jan-Mar 2023) $0.01m May-23
Pay-Per-Use (text): international (Jan-Mar 2023)
Artwork Licenses


Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: domestic (Apr 2023) TBC May-23
Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: international (Apr 2023)
Annual Writers Distribution: infosheet Annual Writers Distribution: Education and Government (up to March 2023) $5.3m Jun-23
Annual Writers Distribution: Commercial (up to March 2023)
Annual Writers Distribution: International (up to March 2023)

Annual Writers Distribution: Rollovers (Education, Government & International)

Annual Writers Distribution: Rollovers (Commercial)

Annual Artists Distribution: infosheet Annual Artists Distribution: Education and Government (up to March 2023) $4.8m Jun-23
Annual Artists Distribution: Commercial (up to March 2023)
Annual Artists Distribution: International (up to March 2023)

Annual Artists Distribution: Rollovers (Education, Government & International)

Annual Artists Distribution: Rollovers (Commercial)

TAFE: infosheet TAFE (Jul 2022 – Dec 2023) $1.7m* Jun-23
Schools: infosheet Schools (Jan-Dec 2023) $36.9m* Jun-23
Universities: infosheet Universities (Jan-Jun 2023) TBC Jun-23
Public Galleries: infosheet Public galleries and museums digital use (up to Mar23) $0.24m Jun-23
Artwork Licenses Artwork licences: Pay-Per-Use: domestic (May 2023) TBC Jun-23

* excludes amounts set aside for the Annual Writers Distribution and the Annual Artists Distribution

July–December 2022

Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution name/s Distribution amount (est) Payments start
Refer to the Payment timetable for dates
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Jun22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Jun22)
$0.38m July 2022
Governments (survey plan sales) Survey plan sales: QLD (Jul-Dec21) $0.2m August 2022 Infosheet
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Jul22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Jul22)
TBA August 2022
Full-text Databases
  • Full-text Databases (Jan-Dec21)
  • Full-text Databases: EBSCO (Jan-Dec21)
  • Full-text Databases: ProQuest (Jan-Dec21)
$0.85m August 2022 Infosheet
Pay-Per-Use (text)
  • Pay-per-use: (text) domestic (Apr-Jun 2022)
  • Pay-per-use: (text) international (Apr-Jun 2022)
$0.01m September 2022
International (licence fees from copyright management organisations in other countries for text) International (Jul21-Jun22) $0.85m September 2022
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Aug22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Aug22)
TBA September 2022
Images in TV programs (Screenrights) Artwork Licences: Screenrights (Jul21-Jun22) $0.3m October 2022
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Sep22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Sep22)
TBA October 2022
Pay-Per-Use (text)
  • Pay-per-use: (text) domestic (Jul-Sep 2022)
  • Pay-per-use: (text) international (Jul-Sep 2022)
$0.01m November 2022
Universities Universities (Jul-Dec22) $6.8m November 2022 infosheet
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Oct22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Oct22)
TBA November 2022
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Nov22)
  • Artwork Licences: Pay-Per-Use: International (Nov22)
TBA December 2022


Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution name/s Distribution amount (est) Payments start
Refer to the Payment timetable for dates
Private (individually licensed)  Education Providers
  • Other Education Providers: Books, Journals & Websites (up to Mar22)
  • Other Education Providers: Newspapers & Magazines (up to Mar22)
$6.5m Wednesday, 27 April 2022 Infosheet


  • Government: Books, Journals & Websites (up to Mar22)
  • Government: Newspapers & Magazines (up to Mar22)
$5m Wednesday, 27 April 2022 Infosheet
Commercial: blanket licences for businesses and associations
  • Voluntary: Books, Journals & Websites (up to Mar22) – Domestic
  • Voluntary: Books, Journals & Websites (up to Mar22) – Overseas
  • Voluntary: Newspapers & Magazines (up to Mar22) – Domestic
  • Voluntary: Newspapers & Magazines (up to Mar22) – Overseas
$6.5m Wednesday, 27 April 2022 Infosheet
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Mar 22)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Mar 22)
$101,000 Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Resale Royalty
  • Resale Royalty (FY2022.M11)
$80,000 Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Pay-Per-Use (text)
  • Rights Portal: Domestic (Jan – Mar 22)
  • Rights Portal: Overseas (Jan-Mar22)
$21,000 Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Artwork Licences
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Apr 22)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Apr 22)
$101,000 Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty (FY2022.M11) $80,000 Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Multi-source: Annual Writers’ Distribution
  • Annual Writers Distribution: education and government (up to March22)
  • Annual Writers Distribution: commercial (up to March22)
  • Annual Writers Distribution: international (up to March22)
$4m Wednesday, 22 June 2022 Infosheet
Multi-source: Annual Artists’ Distribution
  • Annual Artists Distribution: education and government (up to March22)
  • Annual Artists Distribution: commercial (up to March22)
  • Annual Artists Distribution: international (up to March22)
$5m Wednesday, 22 June 2022 Infosheet
Artwork Licences
  • Voluntary Domestic (May 22)
  • Voluntary Overseas (May22)
$101,000 Wednesday, 22 June 2022
TAFEs TAFE (Jul21-Dec22) $2.8m Wednesday, 22 June 2022 Infosheet


Schools Schools (Jan-Dec22) $43.5m Wednesday, 22 June 2022 Infosheet
Universities Universities (Jan-Jun22) $6.8m Wednesday, 22 June 2022 Infosheet
Resale Royalty Resale Royalty (FY2022.M12) $80,000 Wednesday, 22 June 2022


Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution amount (est) Payments Start
Universities $11,900,000 Monday, 31 January 2022 Infosheet
Artwork Licences $101,000 Monday, 31 January 2022
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Nov 21)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Nov 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Monday, 31 January 2022
  • Resale Royalty (FY2022.M7)
Pay-per-use $21,000 Friday, 25 February 2022
  • Rights Portal: Domestic (Oct-Dec 21)
  • Rights Portal: Overseas (Oct-Dec 21)
Survey Plans $100,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: NSW (Jan-Jun 21)
Survey Plans $100,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: QLD (Jan-Jun 21)
Survey Plans $20,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: SA (Jan-Jun21)
Survey Plans $50,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: Vic (Jan-Jun 21)
Survey Plans $100,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: WA (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Survey Plans $8,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: TAS (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Survey Plans $200,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Surveyors: ACT Retro (Jul 03-Jun19)
Artwork Licences $203,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • Voluntary Domestic (Dec – Jan21)
  • Voluntary Overseas (Dec – Jan21)
International $200,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • ALCS (UK) (Jan – Dec21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Wednesday, 23 February 2022
  • (FY2022.M8)
Media Monitoring $3,200,000 Friday, 4 March 2022
  • DPC non-Government (up to Dec 21)
  • DPC Government (up to Dec 21)
  • Web Scraping (up to Dec 21)
Artwork Licences $101,000 Monday, 28 March 2022
  • Voluntary Domestic (Feb21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Monday, 28 March 2022
  • (FY2022.M09)

october – december 2021

Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution amount (est) Payments Start
Refer to the Payment timetable for dates
Artwork Licences $401,000 Wednesday, 27 October
  • Artwork Licences: Statutory Screenrights (Jul 20-Jun 21)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Sep21)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Sep21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Wednesday, 27 October
  • FY2022.M1
Pay-per-use $31,000 Tuesday, 21 December
  • Rights Portal: Domestic (Jul-Sep 21)
  • Rights Portal: Overseas (Jul-Sep 21)
Artwork Licences $101,000 Tuesday, 21 December
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Oct 21)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Oct 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Tuesday, 21 December
  • Resale Royalty (FY2022.M5)
Media Monitoring $3,200,0000 TBA*
  • Media Monitoring: DPC non-Government (up to Sep 21)
  • Media Monitoring: DPC Government (up to Sep 21)
  • Media Monitoring: Web Scraping (up to Sep 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Tuesday, 21 December
  • Resale Royalty (FY2022.M6)

* Distributions scheduled for payment in November and December will be delayed until early 2022. This will allow sufficient time for any systems and data impact from the cyber incident to be fully analysed and assessed.

At this stage it is not likely that the distributions scheduled in 2022 will be affected by delays.


Quarter 1: 2021-22


Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution amount (est) Payments Start
Refer to the Payment timetable for dates
Artwork Licences $203,000 Wednesday, 28 July
  • Voluntary Domestic (May-Jun 21)
  • Voluntary Overseas (May-Jun 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Wednesday, 28 July
  • FY2022.M1
Media Monitoring $3,200,000 Wednesday, 25 August
  • DPC non-Government (up to Jun 21)
  • DPC Government (up to Jun 21)
  • Web Scraping (up to Jun 21)
Survey Plans $270,000 Wednesday, 25 August
  • Surveyors: NSW (Jul-Dec 20)
  • Surveyors: QLD (Jul-Dec 20)
  • Surveyors: SA (Jul-Dec 20)
  • Surveyors: VIC (Jul-Dec 20)
Full text databases $1,120,000 Wednesday, 25 August
  • INFORMIT: A Plus (Jan-Dec 20)
  • INFORMIT: AGIS (Jan-Dec 20)
  • INFORMIT: APAFT (Jan-Dec 20)
  • INFORMIT: Collections (Jan-Dec 20)
  • Document Delivery: EBSCO (Jan-Dec 20)
  • Document Delivery: ProQuest (Jan-Dec 20)
Artwork Licenses $101,000 Wednesday, 25 August
  • Voluntary Domestic (Jul 21)
  • Voluntary Domestic (Jul 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Wednesday, 25 August
  • FY2022.M2
Pay-per-use $21,000 Wednesday, 22 September
  • Rights Portal: Domestic (Apr-Jun 21)
  • Rights Portal: Overseas (Apr-Jun 21)
International $930,000 Wednesday, 22 September
  • International: Artwork Licences Recipients  (Jul 20-Jun 21)
  • International: Works (Jul 20-Jun 21)
  • International: Recipients (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Artwork Licences $101,000 Wednesday, 22 September
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (Aug 21)
  • Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (Aug 21)
Resale Royalty $80,000 Wednesday, 22 September
  • FY2022.M3

january to JUNE 2021

Licence Sector
Learn about Licence Sectors
Distribution amount (est) Payments Start
Refer to the Payment timetable for dates
Survey Plans $515,000


February 2021


  • WA – $146,000
  • VIC – $73,500
  • SA – $24,000
  • QLD – $135,000
  • NSW – $137,000
Pay-per use: Text

(Rights Portal)

$34,000 February 2021
  • Domestic Licences
    (Jul 2020 – Dec 2020)
  • International Licences
    (Jul 2020 – Dec 2020)
Pay-per-use: Images

(Artworks Licences)




March 2021


  • Domestic Licences
    (Nov 2020 – Jan 2021)
  • International licences
    (Nov 2020 – Jan 2021)
Artists’ resale royalty $200,000 January, February, March 2021
International $252,000 April 2021
  • ALCS (UK)
Media monitoring $3.2m April 2021
  • Government
  • Non Government
  • Web Scraping
Pay-per use: Text

(Rights Portal)

$35,000 May 2021
  • Domestic Licences
    (Jan 2021 – Apr 2021)
  • International licences
    (Jan 2021 -Apr 2021)
Media Monitoring $3.2m May 2021
  • Government
  • Non Government
  • Web Scraping
Individually licensed education institutions $4.6m June 2021 Download Infosheet
Governments $7.8m June 2021 Download Infosheet
Commercial $5.2m June 2021 Download Infosheet
Artwork Licences

  • Domestic Licences
    (Feb 2021 – Apr 2021)
  • International licences
    (Feb 2021 -Apr 2021)
 TBC June 2021
TAFEs TBC June 2021 Download Infosheet
Writers’ Royalty Claim


  • Education
  • Government and
  • Commercial
 TBC  June 2021 Download Infosheet
Artists’ Royalty Claim


  • Education
  • Government and
  • Commercial


 TBC June 2021 Download Infosheet


 $47.2m June 2021 Download Infosheet
 Universities  $6.8m June 2021 Download Infosheet 
Artists’ resale royalty  $200,000 April, May, June 2021

October to December 2020

Distribution Licence Sector Distribution amount (est) Payments Start More
Artwork licences 2020/21 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2021.Q1) (Aug-Oct) 2020/21

Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (FY2021.Q1) (Aug-Oct)

$200,000 December 2020 Infosheet
Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences 2020/21 MMO DPC – (2020.Q3)

2020/21 MMO DPC – Government Downstream (2020.Q3)

2020/21 MMO Web Scraping – (2020.Q3)



December 2020


Universities 2020/21 Universities A (2020.H2) $6.8m December 2020 Infosheet
Artists’ resale royalty $200,000 October, November, December 2020

JUly TO September 2020

Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C (‘licence fee source’) Distribution amount (est) Payments Start More
Surveyors 2020/21 Surveyors: NSW (2019.Q3-2019.Q4) 2020/21 Surveyors: VIC (2019.Q3-2019.Q4) 2020/21 Surveyors: QLD (2019.Q4) 2020/21 Surveyors: SA (2019.Q4) $310,000 July 2020 Infosheet
Full text databases 2020/21 INFORMIT: A Plus (2019) 2020/21 INFORMIT: AGIS (2019) 2020/21 INFORMIT: APAFT (2019) 2020/21 INFORMIT: Collections (2019) 2020/21 Document Delivery: EBSCO (2019) 2020/21 Document Delivery: ProQuest (2019) $1m August 2020 Infosheet
Pay-per-use licences 2020/21 Rights Portal: Domestic (2020.Q2) 2020/21 Rights Portal: Overseas (2020.Q2) 2020/21 Settlements (2020.Q2) 2020/21 Infringements (2020.Q2) $41,000 September 2020  
Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences MMO DPC (2020.Q2) MMO webscraping (2020.Q1–2020.Q2) $3.9m September 2020
Artwork licences $447,000 September 2020 Infosheet
Screenrights payments for artists 2020/21 Artwork Licences: Statutory Screenrights (FY2020) $920,000 September 2020 Infosheet
Overseas collecting societies 2020/21 Overseas: Works (Non Fixed Share) (FY2020) 2020/21 Overseas: Recipients (Fixed Share) (FY2020) 2020/21 Artwork Licences: Overseas – Recipients (Fixed Share) (FY2020) $970,000 September 2020 Infosheet
Artists’ resale royalty $200,000 July, Aug, Sept 2020

April to June 2020

Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C Distribution
amount (est)
Payments Start More
Surveyors: NSW 2019/20 Surveyors: NSW (2019.Q2) $69,000 Apr 2020
Surveyors: QLD 2019/20 Surveyors: QLD (2019.Q3) $72,000 Apr 2020
Surveyors: SA 2019/20 Surveyors: SA (2019.Q3) $10,000 Apr 2020
Surveyors: VIC 2019/20 Surveyors: VIC (2019.Q2) $25,000 Apr 2020
Surveyors: TAS 2019/20 Surveyors: TAS Retro (2014-2019) $237,000 Apr 2020
Overseas 2019/20 Overseas: ALCS (UK) (FEB+SEP 2019) $260,000 April 2020
Individually licensed education institutions: books & journals 2019/20 Other Education Providers: Books, Journals & Websites $4.7m April 2020 Infosheet
Newspapers & magazines (statutory licensing) 2019/20 Statutory licensing: Newspapers & Magazines Publications $1.3m Apr 2020
Writers in periodicals & collected works 2019/20 Education & Government: Publications (Contributors)

2019/20 Corporations & Associations: Publications (Contributors)

$1.9m Apr 2020 Infosheet
Media monitoring 2019/20 MMO Non-CopyCo DPC (2019.Q4)

2019/20 MMO Non-CopyCo Web Scraping (2019.Q1)

$437,000 May 2020
RightsPortal 2019/20 Rights Portal: Domestic (2020.Q1)

2019/20 Infringements (2020.Q1)

$53,000 May 2020
Artwork licences 2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2020.Q3) (Feb-Apr)

2019/20 Artwork Licences: Overseas – Discretionary (FY2019)

$218,000 Jun 2020
TAFE 2019/20 National + Victorian TAFE

2019/20 National + Victorian TAFE (Reading List)

$2.8m Jun 2020 Infosheet
Schools 2019/20 Schools $48m Jun 2020 Infosheet
Universities 2019/20 Universities B (2020.H1) $6.8m Jun 2020 Infosheet
Artist-owned images 2019/20 Education & Government: Artist Owned Images

2019/20 Corporations & Associations: Artist Owned Images

$1.8m Jun 2020 Infosheet

January to March 2020

Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C Distribution
amount (est)
Payments Start More
RightsPortal 2019/20 Rights Portal: Domestic (2019.Q4)

2019/20 Infringements (2019.Q3 – 2019.Q4)

$70,000 Feb 2020
Surveyors: NSW 2019/20 Surveyors: NSW (2019.Q1)


$70,000 Feb 2020
Surveyors: QLD 2019/20 Surveyors: QLD (2019.Q2) $66,000 Feb 2020
Surveyors: SA 2019/20 Surveyors: SA (2019.Q2) $10,000 Feb 2020
Surveyors: VIC 2019/20 Surveyors: VIC (2019.Q1) $33,000 Feb 2020
Surveyors: WA 2019/20 Surveyors: WA (FY2019) $141,000 Feb 2020
Media monitoring 2019/20 MMO Non-CopyCo DPC (2019.Q3)

2019/20 MMO Non-CopyCo Web Scraping (2018.Q4)

$440,000 Mar 2020
Artwork licences 2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2020.Q2) (Nov-Jan)


$213,000 Mar 2020
Governments: books & journals 2019/20 Government: Books & Journals $7m Mar 2020 Infosheet
Corporations and associations 2019/20 Corporations & Associations: Books & Journals

2019/20 Corporations & Associations: Newspapers & Magazines Publications

$3.1m Mar 2020 Infosheet

October TO DeCEMBER 2019

Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C Distribution
amount (est)
Payments Start More
Artwork Licences 2019/20 Artwork Licences: Statutory Screenrights (FY2019) $632,000 Oct 2019
Overseas Collecting Societies International affiliates $176,000 Nov 2019
Digital Press Clippings Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences $3.9m Nov 2019
Surveyors: NSW 2019/20 Surveyors: NSW (2018.Q4) $67,000 Nov 2019
Surveyors: QLD 2019/20 Surveyors: QLD (2019.Q1) $72,000 Nov 2019
Surveyors: SA 2019/20 Surveyors: SA (2019.Q1) $10,000 Nov 2019
Surveyors: VIC 2019/20 Surveyors: VIC (2018.Q4) $25,000 Nov 2019
Surveyors: WA 2019/20 Surveyors: WA (FY2018) $141,000 Nov 2019
Artwork Licences 2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2020.Q1) (Aug-Oct)

2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (FY2020.Q1) (Aug-Oct)

2019/20 Artwork Licences: Overseas – Non Title Specific (NTS)

$232,000 Nov 2019
Universities 2019/20 Universities A (2019.H2) $6.8m Nov 2019 infosheet

JUly TO Sept 2019

Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C (‘licence fee source’) Distribution
amount (est)
Payments Start More
Digital Press Clippings Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences $98,000 Aug 2019  
Surveyors (NSW) 2019/20 Surveyors: NSW (2018.Q3) $77,000 Aug 2019  
Surveyors (QLD) 2019/20 Surveyors: QLD (2018.Q4) $68,000 Aug 2019  
Surveyors (SA) 2019/20 Surveyors: SA (2018.Q4) $11,000 Aug 2019  
Surveyors (VIC) 2019/20 Surveyors: VIC (2018.Q3) $33,000 Aug 2019  
Surveyors (WA) 2019/20 Surveyors: WA retro (2005-2017) $804,000 Aug 2019  
Artwork licences 2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2019.Q4) (May-July)

2019/20 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (FY2019.Q4) (May-July)

2019/20 Artwork Licences: Overseas – Recipients (Fixed Share) (FY2019)

$545,000 Sept 2019  
Pay-per-use licences 2019/20 Rights Portal: Domestic (2019.Q2)

2019/20 Rights Portal: Overseas (2019.Q2)

2019/20 Settlements (2019.Q2)

$48,000 Sept 2019  
Overseas collecting societies International affiliates $1.02m Sept 2019  
Informit (full text database) 2019/20 INFORMIT: A Plus (2018)

2019/20 INFORMIT: AGIS (2018)

2019/20 INFORMIT: APAFT (2018)

2019/20 INFORMIT: Collections (2018

$903,000 Sept 2019  
Document delivery 2019/20 Document Delivery: EBSCO (2018)

2019/20 Document Delivery: ProQuest (2018)

$38,000 Sept 2019  


Distribution Allocation run: ‘remittance advice’ column C (‘licence fee source’) Distribution
amount (est)
Payments Start More
Surveyors (NSW) 2018/19 Surveyors: NSW (2018.Q2)  $65,000 Apr 2019  
Surveyors (QLD) 2018/19 Surveyors: QLD (2018.Q3) $70,000 Apr 2019  
Surveyors (SA) 2018/19 Surveyors: SA (2018.Q3) $11,000 Apr 2019  
Surveyors (VIC) 2018/19 Surveyors: VIC (2018.Q2) $34,000 Apr 2019  
Authors Licensing and Collecting Society (UK) 2018/19 Overseas: ALCS (UK) (FEB+SEP 2018) $250,000 Apr 2019  
Pay-per-use licences 2018/19 Rights Portal: Domestic (2019.Q1) – 201962

2018/19 Rights Portal: Overseas (2019.Q1) – 201963

2018/19 Settlements (2018.Q2 – 2019.Q1) – 201965

$0.97m May 2019  
Digital Press Clippings   $1.8m May 2019  
Governments 2018/19 Government: Books & Journals – 201979

2018/19 Government: Newspapers & Magazines Publications – 201980

$4.9m May 2019 Infosheet
Individually licensed education institutions 2018/19 Other Education Providers: Books, Journals & Websites – 201977 $8.2m May 2019 Infosheet
Corporations and associations 2018/19 Corporations & Associations: Books & Journals – 201983

2018/19 Corporations & Associations: Newspapers & Magazines Publications – 201984

2018/19 Local Government: Newspapers & Magazines Publications – 201986

$6.2m May 2019 Infosheet
Writers in published collections 2018/19 Education & Government: Publications (Contributors) – 201981

2018/19 Corporations & Associations: Publications (Contributors) – 201985

$1.5m May 2019 Infosheet


Artist Owned Images 2018/19 Education & Government: Artist Owned Images – 201987

2018/19 Corporations & Associations: Artist Owned Images – 201988

2018/19 Overseas: Artist Owned Images – 201991

$2.7m June 2019 Infosheet
Schools 2018/19  Schools – 201974 $49m June 2019 Infosheet
TAFE 2018/9 National + Victorian TAFE – 201966 $2.9m June 2019 Infosheet
Artwork licences 2018/19 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Domestic (FY2019.Q3) – 201972

2018/19 Artwork Licences: Voluntary Overseas (FY2019.Q3) – 201973

2018/19 Artwork Licences: Overseas – Recipients (Fixed Share) (FY2018.H2) – 2019137

$0.24m June 2019
Artworks in TV programs: licence fees from Screenrights 2018/19 Artwork Licences: Screenrights (2018) – 201942 $0.79m June 2019 Infosheet
Universities 2018/19 Universities B (2019.H1) – 201975 $6.9m June 2019 Infosheet

January TO MARCH 2019

Licence Licence fees from Licence Fee (approx) $ Payments Start
Digital Press Clippings Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences $500,000 Jan 2019
RightsPortal Pay-per-use licences $TBA Feb 2019
Surveyors (NSW) Sales of survey plans by NSW government $68,000 Feb 2019
Surveyors (QLD) Sales of survey plans by QLD government $70,000 Feb 2019
Surveyors (SA) Sales of survey plans by SA government $11,000 Feb 2019
Surveyors (VIC) Sales of survey plans by VIC government $34,000 Feb 2019
Artwork licences Visual art licences $TBA Mar 2019
Digital Press Clippings Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences $TBA Mar 2019
Overseas collecting societies International affiliates $300,000 Mar 2019


Distribution Licence fees from Licence Fee (approx) $ Payments Start
Digital Press Clippings Media Monitoring Organisation (MMO) licences $630,000 Oct 2018
 RightsPortal Pay-per-use licences $66,000 Nov 2018
Artwork licences Visual art licences $TBA Dec 2018
Surveyors (NSW) Sales of survey plans by NSW government $67,000 Dec 2018
Surveyors (QLD) Sales of survey plans by QLD government $70,000 Dec 2018
Surveyors (SA) Sales of survey plans by SA government $11,000 Dec 2018
Surveyors (VIC) Sales of survey plans by VIC government $34,000 Dec 2018
Universities Members of Universities Australia $13,000,000 Dec 2018
Artists’ resale royalty Artists’ resale royalty scheme $50,000 Dec 2018
Celebrants $120,000 Dec 2018


Licence Licence Fee (approx) $ Payments Start
Surveyors: NSW $74,000 Aug 2018
Surveyors: QLD $70,000 Aug 2018
Surveyors: SA $10,000 Aug 2018
Surveyors: VIC $35,000 Aug 2018
Informit (full text database) $980,000 Aug 2018
Document delivery $30,000 Aug 2018
Artwork licences $280,000 Sep 2018
Overseas collecting societies $1,000,000 Sep 2018
Artists’ resale royalty $150,000 Sep 2018

April to June 2018

Allocation name Licence fees from Amount (approx) $ Payments Start
Overseas collecting societies (ALCS) 20 April 2018
Surveyors (NSW) $65,000 20 April 2018
Surveyors (QLD) $65,000 20 April 2018
Surveyors (SA) $10,000 20 April 2018
Surveyors (VIC) $15,000 20 April 2018

2017/18 National + Victorian TAFE




30 April 2018


RightsPortal $34,250 25 May 2018
Digital Press Clippings $420,000 25 May 2018
Schools  $52.9m 22 Jun 2018
Universities $13.5m 22 Jun 2018
Other education providers

2017/18 Other education providers: books, journals, websites

2017/18 Other education providers: newspaper publishers

Individually licensed education institutions $5.7m 22 Jun 2018

2018 Governments: books, journals

2018 Governments: newspaper publishers


State & Territory governments

$4.5m 22 Jun 2018
Corporations  & associations

2017/18 Corporations & Associations: Books & Journals

2017/18 Corporations & Associations: Newspaper Publishers

Corporations & associations

Local governments

Quasi-government bodies

$3.8m 22 Jun 2018
Artist-owned images

2017/18 Education & Governments: Artist Owned Images

2017/18 Corporations & Associations: Artist Owned Images

Individually licensed education institutions
CommonwealthState & Territory governmentsCorporations & associations
$1.9m 22 Jun 2018
Journal contributors

2017/18 Education & Governments: Journal Contributors

2017/18 Corporations & Associations: Journal Contributors

Individually licensed education institutions
CommonwealthState & Territory governmentsCorporations & associations
$0.5m 22 Jun 2018
Newspaper and magazine contributors

2017/18 Education & Government: Newspaper & Magazine Contributors

2017/18 Corporations & Associations: Newspaper & Magazine Contributors

Individually licensed education institutions


State & Territory governments

Corporations & associations

22 Jun 2018
Artwork licences

January to March 2018

Licence Licence Fee (approx) $ Licence Period  Data Source  Data Period Payments Start
 RightsPortal  $34,250  Oct-Dec 2017  Full records 23 Feb 2018
Digital Press Clippings  $420,000  Jul-Sep 2017 Full records 23 March 2018
Surveyors (NSW)  $65,000 Full records 23 March 2018
Surveyors (QLD)  $65,000 Full records 23 March 2018
Surveyors (SA)  $10,000 Full records 23 March 2018
Surveyors (VIC)  $15,000 Full records 23 March 2018
Overseas collecting societies $300,000 Indicative 23 March 2018

October to December 2017

Licence Licence Fee (approx) $ Licence Period  Data Source  Data Period Payments Start
 RightsPortal  $49,000 Jul-Sep 2017 Full records Jul-Sep 2017 24 Nov 2017
Digital Press Clippings  $446,000 Apr-Jun 2017  Full records Apr-Jun 2017 24 Nov 2017
Surveyors (NSW)


 $64,000 Oct-Dec 2016  Full records Oct-Dec 2016 24 Nov 2017
Surveyors (QLD)  $71,000 Jan-Mar 2017  Full records Jan-Mar 2017 24 Nov 2017
Surveyors (SA)  $11,000 Jan-Mar 2017  Full records Jan-Mar 2017 24 Nov 2017
Surveyors (VIC)  $21,000 Oct-Dec 2016  Full records Oct-Dec 2016 24 Nov 2017
Universities $13.2m Jun-Dec 2017 Survey data 1 Dec 2017


Licence Licence Fee (approx) $ Licence Period  Data Source  Data Period Payments Start
Digital Press Clippings $452,960 Jan­-Mar 2017 Full records Jan­-Mar 2017 22 Sep 2017
RightsPortal $63,442 Apr-Jun 2017 Full records Apr-Jun 2017 22 Sep 2017
Surveyors: NSW $68,772 Jul-Sep 2016 Full records Jul-Sep 2016 22 Sep 2017
Surveyors: QLD $69,270 Oct-Dec 2016 Full records Oct-Dec 2016 22 Sep 2017
Surveyors: SA $21,782 Jul-Dec 2016 Full records Jul-Dec 2016 22 Sep 2017
Surveyors: VIC $17,156 Jul-Sep 2016 Full records Jul-Sep 2016 22 Sep 2017
Informit (full text database) $1,073,650 Jan-Dec 2016 Full records Jan-Dec 2016 22 Sep 2017
Document delivery $29,176 Jan-Dec 2016 Full records Jan-Dec 2016 22 Sep 2017
Overseas collecting societies $1,140,019 Various Various Various 22 Sep 2017

APRil to JUNe 2017

Licence Licence Fee (approx) $ Licence Period  Data Source  Data Period Payments Start
VIC surveyors (retrospective)                     840,000 2003–16 Indicative N/A 28 Apr 2017
Overseas Collecting Societies 335,000 Jan-Dec 2016 Indicative N/A 28 Apr 2017
Rights Portal 85,000 Jan-Mar 2017 Full Records Jan-Mar 2017 30 Apr 2017
Authors Licensing & Collecting Society 575,000 2016 Indicative N/A 28 Apr 2017
Images: Creators 760,000 2010-2016 Indicative N/A 28 Apr 2017
DPC (Digital Press Clippings) 635,000 Oct-Dec 2016 Full Records Oct-Dec 2016 26 May 2017
Universities 13,500,000 Jan-Jun 2017 Survey Dec 2015-Nov 2016 23 Jun 2017
Surveyors NSW


60,000 Apr-Jun 2016 Full Records Apr-Jun 2016 23 Jun 2017
Surveyors QLD 67,000 Jul-Sep 2016 Full Records Jul-Sep 2016 23 Jun 2017


52,500,000 Jan-Dec 2017 Survey Jul 2014-Jun 2016 23 Jun 2017
Corporations and quasi-government organisations 3,800,000 Jan-Dec 2016 Indicative N/A 23 Jun 2017
Government and Preschools                   4,300,000 Jan-Dec 2016 Indicative N/A 23 Jun 2017

 Distributions JANuary to MARch 2017

 Licence   Licence Fee (approx)   Licence Period   Data Source   Data Period  Payments Start
Rights Portal               85,000 Oct-Dec 2016 Full Records Oct-Dec 2016 31 Jan 2017
DPC (Digital Press Clippings)                          603,000 Jul-Sep 2016 Full Records Jul-Sep 2016 24 Mar 2017
Surveyors NSW                     60,000 Jan-Mar 2016 Full Records Jan-Mar 2016 24 Mar 2017
Surveyors QLD               67,000 Apr-Jun 2016 Full Records Apr-Jun 2016 24 Mar 2017
TAFE                       2,545,000 Jan 2016 – Jun 2017 Indicative N/A 24 Mar 2017

Distributions October to December 2016

 Licence   Licence Fee (approx)   Licence Period   Data Source   Data Period  Payments Start
Australian Poetry Library 5,000 2011-2015 Full Records 2011-2015 28 Oct 2016
SA Surveyors (retrospective)    400,000 2003-2016 Indicative N/A 28 Oct 2016
Rights Portal 85,000 Jul-Sep 2016 Full Records Jul-Sep 2016 31 Oct 2016
DPC (Digital Press Clippings) 603,000 Jan-Jun 2016 Full Records Jan-Jun 2016 16 Dec 2016
Surveyors NSW 60,000 Oct-Dec 2015 Full Records Oct-Dec 2015 16 Dec 2016
Surveyors QLD 67,000 Jan-Mar 2016 Full Records Jan-Mar 2016 16 Dec 2016
Universities 12,590,000 Jul-Dec 2016 Survey May 2015-April 2016 16 Dec 2016
Independently licensed education institutions 5,550,000 Received Oct 2015-June 2016 Indicative N/A 16 Dec 2016
Local Government 365,000 2001-2016 Indicative N/A 16 Dec 2016
Celebrants 254,000 2010-2016 Indicative N/A 16 Dec 2016

Distributions July to September 2016

 Licence   Licence Fee (approx)   Licence Period   Data Source   Data Period  Payments Start
Rights Portal 61,000 Apr-Jun 2016 Full Records Apr-Jun 2016 31 Jul 2016
Surveyors NSW  60,000 Jul-Sep 2015 Full Records Jul-Sep 2015 26 Aug 2016
DPC (Digital Press Clippings)         707,052 Jul-Dec 2015 Full Records Jul-Dec 2015 23 Sep 2016
Surveyors QLD      144,450 Jul-Dec 2015 Full Records Jul-Dec 2015 23 Sep 2016
INFORMIT                     928,914 Jan-Dec 2015 Full Records Jan-Dec 2015 23 Sep 2016
Document Delivery            88,870 2005-2015 Full Records 2005-2015 23 Sep 2016
Overseas Collecting Societies 2,032,692 2008-2016 Records Received from Collecting Societies 2008-2016 23 Sep 2016


Licence for Licence fee (approx) Licence period Data source Data period Payments start
RightsPortal $125k Oct – Dec 2015 full records Oct – Dec 2015 Jan 2016
Digital Press Clippings $750k Jan – Jun 2015 full records Jan – Jun 2015 Mar 2016
NSW Surveyors $70k Jan – Mar 2015 identifiable plans sold Jan – Mar 2015 Mar 2016
National TAFEs (text) $1.5m Jan – Dec 2015 indicative data N/A Mar 2016
Government (text) $3.9m Apr 2015 – Mar 2016 indicative data N/A Apr 2016
Quasi-government (text) $150k Jan 2014 – Mar 2016 indicative data N/A Apr 2016
Corporations (text) $2.1m Mar 2015 – Mar 2016 indicative data N/A Apr 2016
Overseas collecting societies $500k 2013 – 2015 indicative data N/A Mar 2016
QLD Surveyors retrospective payment $940k 2002 – 2015 indicative data N/A Apr 2016
RightsPortal $125k Jan – Mar 2016 full records Jan – Mar 2016 Apr 2016
Defence music $2k Jan – Jun 2015 full records Jan – Jun 2015 Apr 2016
ALCS $613k Feb + Sep 2015 full records Feb + Sep 2015 Apr 2016
NSW Surveyors $70k Apr – Jun 2015 identifiable plans sold Apr – Jun 2015 May 2016
Universities $12.5m Jan – Jun 2016 survey data Dec 2014 – Nov 2015 May 2016
Schools $53m Jan – Dec 2016 survey data Jul 2013 – Jun 2015 Jun 2016
Images (licence fees from different sources) $2.83m Various (for different licence sources) indicative data N/A Jun 2016
Pre-Schools $80k 2011 – 2016 indicative data N/A Jun 2016
Religious organisations $400k 2007 – 2016 indicative data N/A Jun 2016


Licence for Licence fees
Licence period Data source Data period Payments start
RightsPortal $120K Mar–Jun 2015 full records Mar–Jun 2015 30 July 2015
Digital Press Clippings $850K Jul–Dec 2014 full records Jul–Dec 2014 Sept 2015
Victorian TAFE $420K Jul 2014–Jun 2015 survey 2014 21 Aug 2015
Informit $1M 2014 full records Jan–Apr 2014 21 August 2015
NSW survey plans 2003-12 $1.8M 2003–12 identifiable plans sold 2003–12 9 Oct 2015
Corporations $208K Aug 2013–Feb 2015 indicative data 9 Oct 2015
Document delivery $130K full records 25 Oct 2015
Overseas collecting societies $2.4M 7 Aug 2015
RightsPortal $120K Jul–Sep full records Jul–Sep 30 Oct 2015
Commonwealth (music) $394 Jul–Sep 2014 full records 6 Nov 2015
NSW survey plans 2014 $220K 2014 full records 2014 Dec 2015
Universities $12.5M Jul–Dec 2015 survey data Dec 2014–
Nov 2015
Dec 2015
Individually licensed educational institutions $4M 2015 indicative data Dec 2015


Licence for Licence fees
Licence period data source data period Payments start Costs**
Government press clippings $54K Jan–Jun 2014 indicative data: DPC* Jan–Jun 2014 Apr 2015 10.00%
Commonwealth digital newspapers $900 Jan–Jun 2014 indicative data: DPC* Jan–Jun 2014 Apr 2015 16.13%
RightsPortal $113K Jan-Mar 2015 full records Jan-Mar 2015 Apr 2015 15.00%
National TAFE $2.3M 2014 survey data 2011–14 Apr 2015 16.53%
ALCS (UK) $502K Feb 2014 + Sep 2014 ALCS Feb 2014 + Sep 2014 Apr 2015 16.24%
Government: general $6.5M Dec 2013 – Feb 2015 survey + indicative data Apr 2015 16.44%
Government: hardcopy newspapers $325K Dec 2013 – Feb 2015 indicative data (DPC*) Apr 2015 16.44%
Corporations: general $1.9M Aug 2013 – Feb 2015 survey + indicative data Apr 2015 16.38%
Corporations: pharmaceuticals $795K Aug 2013 – Feb 2015 survey + indicative data Apr 2015 16.45%
Survey plans (NSW) $181K 2013 full records 2013 May 2015 16.60%
Schools (hardcopy and electronic use) $50.6M 2015 survey data Jul 2012–
Jun 2014
May 2015 16.61%
Universities $12.5M Jan-Jun 2015 survey data Dec 2013–
Nov 2014
May 2015 16.60%
Government Defence Music $2K Jan-Jun 2014 full records Jan-Jun 2014 May 2015 16.60%

* data from Digital Press Clippings licence

** costs include deduction for Cultural Fund


Licence fees Pool Amount
Licence fee period Data source Data period Payments from Costs**
RightsPortal $113K Oct–Dec 2014 full records Oct–Dec 2014 Jan 2015 15.00%
Digital Press Clippings $649K Jan–Jun 2014 full records Jan–Jun 2014 Mar 2015 10.00%

** costs include deduction for Cultural Fund


Licence fees Pool Amount
Licence fee period Data source Data period Payments from Costs**
USQ $635k Jan 2012-Dec 2013 survey data 2012 Oct 2014 14.75%
Digital Press Clippings $1.4m Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Oct 2014 10.00%
Government: downstream use of digital press clippings $108.6k Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Oct 2014 10.00%
Corporate licences  (newspapers and magazines $41.6k Jan-Dec 2013 indicative data: DPC* 2013 Oct 2014 10.00%
Commonwealth digital newspapers $2.7k Jan-Dec 2013 indicative data: DPC* 2013 Oct 2014 10.00%
Schools electronic use $1.36M 2014 survey data 16.12%
Victorian TAFEs $428K Jul 2013–Jun 2014 survey data 16.08%
RightsPortal $112K Sep–Dec 2014 full records 15.00%
Other Education Providers: Commercial Colleges $3.12M 2014 survey data 15.93%
Other Education Providers: Adult Education $100K 2014 survey data 16.13%
Other Education Providers: Independent TAFEs $482K 2014 survey data 15.91%
Other Education Providers: Independent Universities $552K 2014 survey data 16.06%
2014 Universities (2nd biannual) $12.5M Jul–Dec 2014 survey data 16.60%

** costs include deduction for Cultural Fund


Licence fees Pool Amount
Licence fee period Data source Data period Payments from Costs**
Universities $12.3m Jan-Jul 2014 survey data 2013 Jul 2014 16.04%
Informit (AGIS) $323k Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Jul 2014 20.00%
Informit (APAFT) $440k Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Jul 2014 20.00%
Informit (A Plus) $181k Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Jul 2014 20.00%
Informit (Collections) $199k Jan-Dec 2013 full records 2013 Jul 2014 20.00%
National TAFE $2.9m Jan-Dec 2013 survey data 2012 Aug 2014 15.66%

** costs include deduction for Cultural Fund

7 July 2022

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